Click here to buy your tickets to Run in Fields right now!
or phone 250-816-6459
Kevin Tenner is the toast of James Cook U. He’s just won a prestigious $75,000 award. The President wants to honour him at a gala dinner. But when he meets Leila, a promising science major with $30,000 in student debt, and decides to use some of his money to help her, Prof. Tenner begins to get schooled himself.
Run in Fields is a funny and passionate new play about higher education, lower impulses, and learning, by internationally-produced playwright and Vancouver Island University instructor Frank Moher.
Featuring Terry Lynn Boyle, Larissa Coser, Neil Gallagher,
and Steve Hill
Directed by Frank Moher
Nov. 24, 25, 30, Dec. 1, 2 – 7:30 pm
Nov. 26, Dec. 3 – 2 pm
Harbour City Theatre, 25 Victoria Rd., Nanaimo
Audience advisory: Adult language and content
Out-of-town visitors: Why rush home after the show? Read about our special accommodation offer with the Howard Johnson Harbourside Hotel in our newsletter!
Click here to buy your tickets right now!
or phone 250-816-6459
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