Western Edge Theatre statement regarding Corona virus precautions

Western Edge Theatre takes seriously the safety and comfort of our patrons, and the artists and technicians who work with us. At this time, we are proceeding with plans for the run of 4000 Miles, opening March 20th. We’d like to inform you of the measures we’ll be taking at the venue, Harbour City Theatre, in collaboration with the management there, to address concerns around the COVID-19 virus.

Harbour City Theatre has 100 seats, and so is not affected by the provincial government ban on gatherings of over 250 people. Nevertheless, we will

– Disinfect all counters, table tops, handrails, arm rests and other high-touch surfaces in the theatre, and sanitize all surfaces in the washrooms, prior to each performance.
– Provide a main sanitizing station near the entrance of the building.
– Sell no more than 50% of capacity for each performance, to allow you to sit at a distance from other patrons, if you prefer.
– Strategically place disinfectants and hand-sanitizers throughout the building.
– Provide soap dispensers, handwashing instructions, and Kleenex in the washrooms.
– Add five minutes to the intermission, to allow for extra handwashing time.

To minimize risk, we ask you not to attend the theatre if you are sick, returning from affected areas, or have underlying health conditions that may be impacted by a respiratory illness.

If you are holding tickets for a performance but feel that you will not be comfortable attending, we would be happy to give you a credit towards a future production. Or, please consider donating your ticket to Western Edge. Non-profit arts organizations will be significantly impacted by the current situation. By converting your ticket to a donation in lieu of a refund, you will be supporting the arts in our community, and the artists who bring us creativity and inspiration even during difficult times. To receive credit for your ticket, or convert it to a donation and receive a tax receipt, please contact us at admin@westernedge.org.

We will continue to monitor data and advice from provincial and local health officials, the BC Centre for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization. Any changes to our plans will be communicated via our website, social media, and email.

Thankyou for your support and loyalty. Our goal is to repay it by providing a safe and enjoyable experience at 4000 Miles.