A message from Diane LeBlanc
- For the past 14+ years I have – happily and voluntarily – offered a FREE email service (THEATRE CONNECTION) which allows COMMUNITY theatre organizations to publicize their events which they send to Theatre Connection (Diane LeBlanc).
- Theatre Connection then forwards these messages to all recipients that have specified which type of event notices they consent to receive.
- All messages are sent “BCC” (blind carbon copy) so that recipient’s contact information remains strictly confidential and used solely for Theatre Connection purposes.
An unfortunate computer problem I recently experienced resulted in an irrecoverable loss of email data (thankfully NO confidentiality breach!)
- I am totally committed, with your help, to continue this service by re-creating the Theatre Connection email lists.
- Although there is not much theatre going on at this time due to COVID-19, there is much to do to get this up and running again.
- If you choose to continue to, or wish to receive TC notices, your job is an easy one – Just read and follow the directions below: You need to be specific about which notices you wish to receive.
To affirm YOUR CONSENT to receive notices and type of notices you wish to receive from Theatre Connection:
- Please send an email DIRECTLY TO (You will not receive any further TC notices unless and until I hear from you).
- Please include your first and last name plus your email address you wish theatre connection to use.
- Please indicate which TYPE(s) of emails you wish to receive (see below) — (3a) or (3b and/or c) for live theatre AND SPECIFY If you wish to receive 3d) for Music with Vocals) as well.
- ALL THEATRE NOTICES of live theatre events (includes b. performances, c. auditions plus workshops, and other theatre-related activities).
- THEATRE PERFORMANCE NOTICES ONLY (if you do not choose a.)
- AUDITION NOTICES ONLY (if you do not choose a.)
Separate – (not included with a, b, or c above) - DO YOU WISH TO RECEIVE MUSIC with VOCALS NOTICES (ex. choral performance, and other music with vocal events).
If you have any questions about TC feel free to contact me at and I shall be pleased to provide further information or clarification.
You may request to add or remove your email to/from any notices at any time.
If you change your email address you will need to send an email asap so that your notices are not interrupted.
If I get an undeliverable message from the same email more than 3 times, you will stop receiving notices until you contact me again.
THANK YOU for your help and understanding. It is my fervent hope that we can get all our theatres up and running again soon.
Diane LeBlanc
Theatre Connection